Abacela Winery

About the race


Registration Includes:

  • T-Shirt: Super Soft Ring Spun Cotton!
  • Wine Glass: Shatterproof, Collapsible, and Portable!
  • Finisher Medal.
  • Race Bib: Chip timed 5k run/walk
  • Results Posted Online
  • …and of course, a pour of wine!

Race Swag


Abacela Winery
12500 Lookingglass Rd
Roseburg, OR US 97471

Sun June 29, 2025 | 9:00AM PDT


The 5k Route is an incredible and scenic tour of the vineyards and starts and finishes at the winery!  The course includes cross country style terrain through the vineyards with some areas of uneven footing.  The race is definitely suitable for walkers and runners, but we do not recommend running strollers.  

Click Here for Interactive Course Map


We are excited to announce that the charity partner for this event will be Feeding Umpqua (United Community Action Network)!

Feeding Umpqua is a part of The United Community Action Network that strives to eliminate food insecurity. Food Insecurity is defined as a lack of reliable access to enough affordable, nutritious food.

  • More than 1 in 10 households are food
    insecure in Oregon.
  • In Douglas County (DoCo), 13,750
    people are food insecure or 12.5% of the
  • 17% of food insecure people in DoCo
    make too much $$ to qualify for
    government assistance.
  • Over 18,000 people access the DoCo
    Emergency Food Network every month.

How Feeding Umpqua helps:

  • Emergency Food Distribution through a
    network of 16 food pantries and 6
    community kitchens/shelters.
  • Increasing Food Access to the most underserved parts of our county with a mobile
    pantry—The Outpost Mobile Food Center.
    In addition, free produce is distributed at
    ODHS offices during the summer/fall.
  • Providing Nutrition Education to support
    youth and families with Food Hero @ the
    Farmers’ Market and meal kits for pantry
  • Advocacy, networking, and working on
    community food system policy.

Click here for more information!


Age Group Awards and More Info

This event will be offering Age Group Awards! In addition to scoring all of the great swag listed above, the top 3 finishers in each age category will also receive a custom age group award!

10 Year Categories: 19 & Under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80 & Over

Important details: 

    • Competitive Runners, please start with the first group to be eligible for an age group award. 
    • If your event has wave start times, age group winners must start with the first wave to be eligible for a medal. 
    • There will be no age group ceremony.  Please look up your results at www.J3Timing.com after finishing and if you placed top 1 in your category please visit the registration table to pick up your award.
    • Age Group medals will be available for pickup 1 hour after the start of the first wave  age group awards are only available the day of the event and will not be available for shipment once the event has concluded.
  • Is the race only for 21+? No, minors are welcome to participate and receive a discounted registration that includes a shirt, medal and bib (these participants will not receive a wine glass or a glass of wine).
    Are strollers allowed? You are welcome to use a stroller for this event but it is not recommended due to uneven ground on the course and children in strollers can participate for free and do not need to register.
    Is walking allowed? Yes!
    Is the race dog friendly? No – we love dogs, but since this is a produce and vegetable farm USDA prohibits dogs on site.
    I still have questions, who do I contact?  If you cannot find the answer to your question on this page please use the “questions” button below to submit a question. 


Packet Pickup will be Race Day Only and will open an hour before the event starts.